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Notices tagged with ruby
I so rarely use StackOverflow, much less post on it, but I'm completely stuck on a Rails upgrade.
If you're a #ruby or #rails dev or if you know one, would you please mind taking a look at my question?
Productive day. It was a nice change writing #guile all day instead of #ruby. Harassed the hell out of @davexunit and friends on #freenode. Thanks for the assist!
The more #ruby pays my bills, the more frustrated I become with it. I wonder if I don't like the language because I have to use it everyday or if I really dislike its behaviours... There was a time in my life when I really loved the languag…
Great success! I have cobbled together a suuuuper gross #ruby script to emulate the great @jezra an…
@zoowar @roland I can see where a parallel rewrite (in #Python / #Django? #ruby / #RoR? #Java / #J…
The main problem for me with trying to get the #Federation working is that !diaspora is wri…
@speeddefrost As @mcnalu mentions, !Twitter‘s #fail_whale days were when #Ruby was their main l…
I don't prefer #ruby, I'm paid to write #ruby. Given a choice of language, it would really depend…
I think that's because its the default license on a lot of projects. Nearly all #ruby projects ar…
Bleh, I'm done... setting up a new (non-rails) #ruby project with #bundler and #rspec is such a pa…
It's paid my bills for years now but the more I use #ruby the less I like it and the more I long f…
We've hired so many new people T work, I don't recognize half the people here. We seem to do that …
@gomerx #Ruby once took me 8 days to compile on an underpowered #Gentoo box. (Longer than everything else combined)
@gomerx Yeah, I heard somewhere the default #Ruby that comes with #MacOSX is over five years old.