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The more #ruby pays my bills, the more frustrated I become with it. I wonder if I don't like the language because I have to use it everyday or if I really dislike its behaviours... There was a time in my life when I really loved the languag…
I think I'mjust as grumpy about Python. It's a useful language but I don't care to mess with it. Syntactically significant whitespace just rubs me the wrong way.
@cmhobbs I ended up the same way with PHP, but I think PHP has some substantial issues that contributed as well. :)
@cmhobbs I've started to dig python, despite the whitespace. Still haven't done anything major in it, though. :(
I'm not entirely sure as I know little about that community. My concerns with the Ruby community probably lie with the Rails community. There's a lot of fad chasing and building-blocks style programming. I think a lot of it is from the idea…
Python is a good language. Lots of useful things have been built with it and their philosophy of "there should be one obvious way to do it" as opposed to the TIMTOWTDI is sometimes refreshing.
@thermi6 I really don't like {curly brackets} as a programming syntax, but I'm not sure if whitespace is better. The lesser of two evils? :)
It doesn't bother me that they use Python. I don't interact with media goblin code at all.
Whitespace is used to denote blocks in Python.
@nds you wanna take this out back!?
@thermi6 I was curious where you were going with that :D. I think there's a way to format notices but I might be dreaming.
Got it!