Notices tagged with wordpress
Tantek ()'s status on Wednesday, 03-Jan-2024 19:09:00 EST Tantek
31 days of #IndieWeb gifts: the _2023 IndieWeb Gift Calendar_ ( wrapped up a full month of IndieWeb-related creations & updates from the community (and sometimes beyond) to everyone who wants to improve their #IndieWeb experience.
From plugins & libraries, to tools & services, to events & meetups, to web components & wiki pages, and blog posts & newsletters, there was something for everyone.
Some numbers:
🎁 67 total gifts
📄 32 new IndieWeb wiki pages
📜 7 posts on improving blogs, IndieWeb specs, and event summaries
💻 6 Homebrew Website Club online meetups
📫 5 This Week In The IndieWeb newsletters
🧱 4 library updates: new web components, #microformats2 parser update
🌉 3 Bridgy Fed updates & improvements
🧩 2 plugin updates: #Elgg IndieWeb & #WordPress #IndieAuth
🎪 1 #IndieWebCamp San Diego (2 days!)
📚 1 indiebookclub new year in review overview feature
📽 1 IndieWeb movie viewings aggregator
🧶 1 #Threads federating out #ActivityPub (followable by #BridgyFed)
Gift were shared by:
👥 20 individuals
🏢 1 company
I compiled these numbers by hand. Let me know if you see any errors. There are many more potential stats like:
* average (mean and median) number of gifts per contributor
* how many edits to the Gift Calendar wiki page
* how many different editors of the wiki page
* average (mean and median) number of edits per editor
I’ll leave those as exercises for others if they wish!
This is post 2 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts
→ 🔮 -
Tantek ()'s status on Saturday, 02-Nov-2019 18:12:00 EDT Tantek
Thank you@WordCampUSand thanks@photomattfor the invitation to speak on “Take Back Your Web”! Huge thanks to@dshanskefor all his help!
Great questions & seeing so many with their own sites. Follow@dshanske’s awesome #WordPress#IndieWebposts and progress on his own site e.g.’ll also be at Contributor Day tomorrow! -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Saturday, 22-Apr-2017 02:51:52 EDT MMN-o ✅⃠
@Tchambers How about #Wordpress, which essentially is a part of the !fediverse already as we can subscribe to all of their #Atom feeds (and I believe PubSubHubbub is enabled for anything -
Manuel Ortega (manuel)'s status on Monday, 21-Mar-2016 13:13:20 EDT Manuel Ortega
@olafdominguez Hola! una pregunta, cada persona tiene un sitio diferente dentro de la instalación multisite de #wordpress o publican todos desde el mismo sitio? El plugin asocia cada sitio de la instalación multisite de wordpress a un usuar… -
Björn Schießle (bes)'s status on Tuesday, 15-Mar-2016 16:08:58 EDT Björn Schießle
I wrote my first #WordPress plug-in. It was easier as I thought. Also because I just had to wrap the !gnusocial widget by @chimo to integrate it into my blog. You can find the plug-in here: -
Manuel Ortega (manuel)'s status on Friday, 04-Mar-2016 15:23:21 EST Manuel Ortega
@litox Guau! cuantos avances! :D me encanta! Sí, publica desde !wpgnusocial mola :D y si tenemos que hacer esa integración. Lo primero es que no publique el evento como un mensaje sino como un evento y que la gente puede decir que va a asis… -
UnOriginal Moniker (unorigmoniker)'s status on Saturday, 27-Feb-2016 16:22:45 EST UnOriginal Moniker
So !wpgnusocial looks pretty cool, but is anyone aware of a #wordpress plugin that will cross-post the actual contents of a "post" to !gnusocial rather than just a link? Something like what "WP to diaspora*" does? I thought WordPress' oEmbed feat… -
Manuel Ortega (manuel)'s status on Sunday, 21-Feb-2016 06:50:41 EST Manuel Ortega
@lasindias Hemos realizado otros cambios menores en #Hedero para hacer más claro su función. La principal funcionalidad de #Hedero es añadir una nueva línea de tiempo «Posts asociados» publicados desde un blog y los cuales se pueden coment… -
Manuel Ortega (manuel)'s status on Saturday, 20-Feb-2016 06:49:18 EST Manuel Ortega
@litox !wpgnusocial lo que hace es filtrar la función de #wordpress que muestra el formulario para no mostrar nada en caso de que el posts tenga asociada una conversación de !gnusocial estos son los filtros que aplica el plugin add_filter… -
التنينوكس (dragnucs)'s status on Saturday, 30-Jan-2016 07:53:22 EST التنينوكس
@knuthollund @mmn can !qvitter and !gnusocial be updated automatically, just like #WordPress? -
MiKa (mika)'s status on Sunday, 10-Jan-2016 06:10:13 EST MiKa
#WordPress #OpenStreeMap #Plugin #OSM V3.6.1 released. We need #help for Spanish translation. -
MiKa (mika)'s status on Sunday, 10-Jan-2016 06:10:13 EST MiKa
#WordPress #OpenStreeMap #Plugin #OSM V3.6.1 released. We need #help for Spanish translation. -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Friday, 20-Nov-2015 13:17:38 EST MMN-o ✅⃠
För att man enkelt kan hosta en egen podd. Det är bara att typ köra #Wordpress och ladda upp en ljudfil, sedan kan vem som helst med ett podd-radio-program lägga in din RSS-feed och vips få nätsändningar. Self-hostat och bra - inga intäkter till utsugar-Apple -
Colegota (colegota)'s status on Monday, 02-Nov-2015 14:51:49 EST Colegota
I'm proud to introduce you a new !gnusocial user @mika
He's the author of #wordpress plugin #osm that allows to embed #openstreetmaps in #WordPress with many options
!fs -
Colegota (colegota)'s status on Thursday, 15-Oct-2015 05:56:44 EDT Colegota
@enredando ¡bingo! :) El plugin de GNU Social para #WordPress publicando un extracto de la entrada. Versión muy beta, hay que controlar longitudes para que el texto quepa en el mensaje según la longitud del extracto y los caracteres que adm… -
Colegota (colegota)'s status on Thursday, 08-Oct-2015 03:25:08 EDT Colegota
¿Dónde puedo encontrar información de cómo invocar a !gnusocial vía API?
Tipo api/statuses/update.xml para mirar de hacerlo desde #wordpress -
Colegota (colegota)'s status on Friday, 02-Oct-2015 02:11:04 EDT Colegota
@zagur también tienes !gnusocialpress si quieres mostrar tu línea de tiempo de !gnusocial en #wordpress PD !quitter no es ninguna red social, es un plugin para que la apariencia de !gnusocial sea más del … -
Blaise Alleyne (balleyne)'s status on Friday, 25-Sep-2015 09:57:07 EDT Blaise Alleyne
Yikes. I install Privacy Badger, and the standard #WordPress admin is loading a ton of stuff, like Bootstrap from a CDN, Google Fonts, etc. -
Manuel Ortega (manuel)'s status on Wednesday, 23-Sep-2015 04:21:32 EDT Manuel Ortega
@mike Excelent! How are you planning to achieve this? Developing connectors between #Hubzilla and #Drupal or #WordPress? We find this way really powerfull because it empowers groups and communities to open autonomous - distributed and federated … -
Manuel Ortega (manuel)'s status on Wednesday, 02-Sep-2015 04:44:18 EDT Manuel Ortega
#Federation !ostatus ~ node installation ~ federated social web ~ distributed networks ~ !gs !gnusocial plugin development ~ node maintenance ~ sharing platforms ~ interoperability with friendica and diaspora ~ integration with #WordPress !wpgnu…