31 days of #IndieWeb gifts: the _2023 IndieWeb Gift Calendar_ ( wrapped up a full month of IndieWeb-related creations & updates from the community (and sometimes beyond) to everyone who wants to improve their #IndieWeb experience.
From plugins & libraries, to tools & services, to events & meetups, to web components & wiki pages, and blog posts & newsletters, there was something for everyone.
Some numbers:
๐ 67 total gifts
๐ 32 new IndieWeb wiki pages
๐ ย 7 posts on improving blogs, IndieWeb specs, and event summaries
๐ป ย 6 Homebrew Website Club online meetups
๐ซ ย 5 This Week In The IndieWeb newsletters
๐งฑ ย 4 library updates: new web components, #microformats2 parser update
๐ ย 3 Bridgy Fed updates & improvements
๐งฉ ย 2 plugin updates: #Elgg IndieWeb & #WordPress #IndieAuth
๐ช ย 1 #IndieWebCamp San Diego (2 days!)
๐ ย 1 indiebookclub new year in review overview feature
๐ฝ ย 1 IndieWeb movie viewings aggregator
๐งถ ย 1 #Threads federating out #ActivityPub (followable by #BridgyFed)
Gift were shared by:
๐ฅ 20 individuals
๐ข ย 1 company
I compiled these numbers by hand. Let me know if you see any errors. There are many more potential stats like:
* average (mean and median) number of gifts per contributor
* how many edits to the Gift Calendar wiki page
* how many different editors of the wiki page
* average (mean and median) number of edits per editor
Iโll leave those as exercises for others if they wish!
This is post 2 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts
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