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Notices by Blaise Alleyne (balleyne), page 21
My son has learned to fake snore. He crawls into our bed, lies on the pillow: hhhhhnnnk, tsssccch, hhhhhnnnk, tsssccch...
For all of Jaron Lanier's commentary, I'm most surprised how he so consistently conflates libre/gratis. I'd expected that he'd know better.
Watching Jaron Lanier: Who Owns the Future? from #theagenda last Friday.
I'm not used to hearing the music I listen to in public places, but past hour at Hart House could have been my library. #approach30 #90srock
from activity
@thegeek ouch, what a mess
@thegeek wow... and... if someone else ever did get the code, couldn't they just strip that out?
#WordPress is in effect "open core" now. Open source version gets sucked into proprietary flagship with vendor lock-in. </rant>
from activity
- "premium" themes are infuriating, 1st real lock-in. Before, you could easily move to another host. Dealbreaker.
@thegeek: yikes. DRM? How... would that even work? lol
- is using proprietary themes? REALLY? After the whole stink about non-GPL themes? #WordPress
@morph: thanks for the tip! I am looking for a free software option though, and am not running Windows. Thanks anyways though!
What do people use for #Android backups? When using an #N900, my wife had a daily rsync via fcrontab. Not sure what to use in Android...
@maiki: Roam Mobility offers that for Canadians travelling to the US...
RT @CurtJester: Pope tag team day. We have encyclical written by two popes and announcement of two popes to be canonized.
My GPS has a great anti-theft mechanism: it always falls off the dashboard onto the floor. Wish I could disable this feature when driving...
Updated my events calendar with shows for July and August across Ontario.
Video from my performance with Darrelle London at Glenn Gould Studio a few weeks back!
There's a hole in my chest, but a smile on my face.