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- is using proprietary themes? REALLY? After the whole stink about non-GPL themes? #WordPress
@balleyne one of our customers paid +/- $40k for a WordPress theme (it gave them exclusive use, included drm t…
@thegeek: yikes. DRM? How... would that even work? lol
- "premium" themes are infuriating, 1st real lock-in. Before, you could easily move to another host. Dealbreaker.
some sort of key was generated that was created w/a combination of the domain name, the location of the WP in…
@thegeek wow... and... if someone else ever did get the code, couldn't they just strip that out?
no the key is unique and the theme is useless w/o it (the devs apparently need the domain, where in file struc…
@thegeek ouch, what a mess
yeah, it’s a horror story i now use when telling my minions why just moving website files around haphazardly is a bad idea.