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Notices by Blaise Alleyne (balleyne), page 22
I've loved this song for 10 years. Only read the English today. Dear Mary, what will this house do and all in it?
Les Miserables (2012): Wolverine is on the run from the Gladiator because Catwoman had a baby in Borat's house.
RT @peternowak: The most unbelievable part about Man of Steel isn't the super flying alien, it's that everyone is using Windows phones
RT @peternowak: The most unbelievable part about Man of Steel isn't the super flying alien, it's that everyone is using Windows phones
RT @peternowak: The most unbelievable part about Man of Steel isn't the super flying alien, it's that everyone is using Windows phones
Pretty sure I just repelled a lame DoS attempt on our server. One IP address made 723,000 more requests than 2nd busiest in same period.
Re-implemented Twitter support for my aggregator using tweepy. What's wrong with supporting plain RSS? *grumble*, *grumble*...
Ironically, I can't watch this video about "Why open source matters" using any open source software:
Just noticed: Chromium default search engine is always Google at first, until ~10 seconds or so when it loads my actual default.
@windigo: heh, yeah, I wear several different hats... hmm, thanks for helping me think out loud though!
@windigo: With Mediagoblin, do I create multiple accounts? I guess that's a key question: whether purposes warrant distinct subscriptions...
@windigo: well, it's also a subscription thing. With Flickr, I had one account, with different collections for professional/family.
@windigo: Yeah... I use for family stuff. for personal/professional. It's multiple accounts that gets me a bit confused.
@windigo: right. I'm also trying to figure out family/personal/artist distinction... gets more complicated when I think about hosting others
Confused about how to organize my federated services: StatusNet and #pumpio? Multiple Mediagoblins (family and music)? What's your strategy?
"Encryption works. Properly implemented strong crypto systems are one of the few things that you can rely on." -Snowden
A new low: the entire website is region blocked. (And poorly: image on region block notice... also region blocked.)
Any recommendations for time tracking software? What do you use?
RT @davewiner: We should create only products that are irrevocably open.
And... successfully hacked Khweeteur and reconfigured its support to work for May have found a statusnet bug...