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Notices tagged with apache
And if it's not possible to run !GNUsocial or #StatusNet on #PHP7, whether it's possible to run #Apache with #PHP7 in one virtual server, and #PHP5 in another...
What would it take to dump the usernames of authenticated !gnusocial users in #apache logs? I see that usernames are dumped in /var/log/apache/access.log when gs is accessed via api (e.g. andstatus), while most other web services I run do not l…
After years of wrestling Rails in order to pay the bills, I don't advocate it. However, what special server are you talking about? I normally throw Rails behind #nginx or #apache.
@knuthollund That should be smooth sailing (unless, like me, you've got homegrown scripts w…
So things are a bit screwy now. I have (principally drupal, but lots and lots o…
No #apache logs either?
I use the attache config file for #apache. Known issue is that if you use it, your site's grade is…
I get a “Forbidden You don’t have permission to access /plugins/ on this server” message …
Keep 2 instances of !SN or !GS in separate #Apache virtual servers; also, use the "$config['daemon']['piddir']" directive in each config.php
@erkan @bes My instance here runs with 128 MB very smooth. #Apache #Prefork !gnusocial
Well awesome... looks like my #apache config for Smallest Federated Wiki clobbered my #gnusocial i…
Just popped over to the desktop in the den to discover that in my sleepy state this morning, I man…
Only about five percentage points between #Apache and #MSFT #IIS now.
Does anyone have good documentation for #mod_fcgid and #Apache 2 on #CentOS 6? It was much clearer on #Debian / #Ubuntu / #Gentoo.
@x11r5 Requiring #Apache ( or #Nginx or #Lighttpd ) is not undermining. Requiring #IIS is undermining.