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Notices by Blaise Alleyne (balleyne), page 6
Ottawa! I'm on violin with Darrelle London today on Rogers TV, and at the Black Sheep in Wakefield tonight!
♺ @bobjonkman @johns RMS on schools: "Sometimes what's required is stubbornness. 'I don't want you teach my child not to share.'" #lp2015
Tomorrow, I'll be live nationally on CTV Canada AM on my new MIDI keyboard with Darrelle London and band! We've got one song at ~8:50am EST.
@sergiodj: man! But AFAIK, sqlite doesn't have built-in hashing support... still, surprised they'd release Jabberd2 without implementing it
@lnxw48: not really. first release 2005, but v5.0 2009, v6 2011, v7 2013, v8 2014... and it's got a corporate open core thing going on...
Tonight, on violin/guitar/uke/keys/etc with Darrelle London at Hugh's Room for her third album release party!
@balleyne That's shocking; apparently they feel password hashing is "optional".
@windigo: OMG... it's even MORE shocking that they *know* it's a thing and similar consider it optional, a module's task... o.0 Run away...
I'm going through a db dump of our #OpenERP (now #Odoo) app... passwords are there in PLAIN TEXT! What kind of app doesn't hash passwords?!
@sergiodj you don't consider permissive licensed software under FSF-approved licences to be libre? Or you just don't call them that?
Freedom 1: to study how the program works. What happens without it: "Dropbox is probably not stealing all your files"
♺ @larjona: Gitlab acquires Gitorious I'll selfhost my repos, I think.
@sergiodj: ah, yeah, I think Mozilla's plan is to be more open to 3rd party repos, but I'd bet +90% of people still just use the main one =\
@sergiodj I thought Firefox Marketplace was the Firefox OS equivalent of Google Play?
@sergiodj I guess I'd be happy if Mozilla at least separated out FAIF and non-FAIF, e.g. separate repos that you could disable or something
@sergiodj e.g. look at Ubuntu. Most apps are FLOSS in repos, though as they loosen policies to include more non-free apps, it changes.
@sergiodj I'd rather Mozila over Google, but they *can* set a tone with their marketplace/repo policy. They don't favour/require FLOSS apps
@sergiodj: Yeah, I think I'm convinced that Firefox OS is a step forward from Android. I'm just worried the app space will be just as bad.
@sergiodj: Maemo wasn't free either, tons of proprietary stuff. But it seemed to have a more software freedom friendly ecosystem beyond core
@sergiodj: Also, are native apps an option? Or only HTML5? One of the nice things about Maemo was being able to write in C, Python, etc.