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Notices tagged with xmpp, page 2
Version 0.10.1 of !xmpp server #Prosody released!
@rysiek Especially because some other people try to get me from XMPP to these "better" networks (privacy-aware techie people). "Just register with your phone number on a central server, install an Electron client and you're all set."
It simply doesn't cut it for me, so !xmpp stays as the only good solution.
@bob Conversations is the flagship !xmpp client, no doubt.
But I wouldn't call the only viable one, Gajim and Psi on desktop are doing a good job.
There's also ChatSecure on iOS but I don't know how good it is, it is actively developed though.
@rysiek Wire is more acceptable as it doesn't require a phone number, yes.
I personally think !xmpp does meet those requirements.
@vanyok Только где там микроблоггинг через XMPP, я так и не понял. Там есть, разве что, интеграция, но оно и у GNU social есть уже очень давно.
А вот где действительно через !xmpp микроблог, то это в Movim.
@wolf480pl GTalk's server likely failed to comply with encryption requirements of your modern !xmpp server. It's the reason why their s2s became practically non-existent before they had to do anything.
@undyingumbrage Как бы люди не начали слишком доверять сему символу, а то Telegram никогда особым качеством не отличался.
Мне кажется, что если люди будут лучше понимать важность по-настоящему независимых решений типа !xmpp, это победа само по себе.
Но вообще, я не игнорирую новости, связанные с политикой вокруг Telegram, голову в песок не засовываю.
@silkevicious Yes, and you were in my !xmpp roster too :-).
@balancer !xmpp же, ну.
@sptnkmmnt В какие картинки !xmpp нужно уметь-то?
@thor That's actually a group marker, like #xmpp but !xmpp, one of the GNU social things.
@thor !xmpp is my boring predictable answer ;-).
@rplatonov Всё ещё не замена !xmpp.
Finally! !xmpp
@6gain I'm best available at #xmpp and can chat with whomever ;-).
I don't really believe in special measures around that, we have !loadaverage and the Wiki, after all.
As the topic of discussion, I'm actually wondering about GNU social and… postActiv.
@bes I agree that harvesting from vcards is a good idea, but not necessarily remotely leaking your address book via !xmpp requests ;)
En Asamblea en el #Hacklab del Centro Social la Ingobernable ... se llegó al consenso de ir abandonando progresivamente con amor y cariño, de la mensajería instantánea Telegram, a la nuestra . Redes libres, autónomas y federadas. Como #GNUSocial ... Naturalmente . No podía ser de otro modo.
Así pues, como ya adelantó @fanta "habemus" fechas para que @colegota nos acompañe, en el taller de #XMPP en el #Ingoberlab #301 de #laIngobernable a últimos de Agosto?
cc @asnoru @revu @drymer @shevek
♻ @KWVoIP: Join us for dinner at 6pm tonight at the #EggRollKing restaurant; we'll talk about #XMPP & the services of @JMP_chat
♻ @KWVoIP Tonight at 6pm: Dinner at #EggRollKing, then we explore #XMPP and #SMS with @Jmp_Chat ¶ via #Twitter !VoIP !XMPP
We should hold an #XMPP day or something. Get as many people on it as we can.