Notices tagged with trailrun, page 2
Tantek ()'s status on Monday, 08-Oct-2018 12:54:00 EDT Tantek
Beautiful day at #SFRC this past Saturday. Practiced a few #ECSCA 50k trails: Fox, Coastal Fire, Marincello, Bobcat.
1. Up Fox taking in a westward view
2. Down Coastal Fire Road looking south, a low hanging cloud with a surreal reflection on the ocean
3. Muir Beach
4. Touching the surf
5. A furry caterpillar seen going back up Coastal Fire Road
6. Top of Fox trail before sprinting down to Tennessee Valley
7. Up Marincello looking East
8. Down Bobcat toward Alta (saw a baby snake!) with glimpses of downtown San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Sutro tower on the distant horizon.
~14.3 miles, 2900'+. Legs felt pretty good despite climbing 1000'+ at #NPSF Friday hills the day before. Finally broke 100+ miles in the past 30 days. Six weeks til my first 50k.
#run #trailrun #runner #trailrunners #trailrunning #powerhike #searchforvert #teamextravert #runners #optoutside #getoutside #neverstopexploring #tnfecs #npsf #fromwhereirun #runwild #marin #marinheadlands #latergram #nofilter #2018_279 -
Tantek ()'s status on Thursday, 20-Sep-2018 01:24:00 EDT Tantek
🌄 Completed my first Tam summit this morning! Thanks to @BryanTing for conversation, encouragements, photos (1,3), and guidance (2) to the top.
#mounttam #mttam #summit #run #trailrun #runner #powerhike #runners #tamsummit #optoutside #getoutside #neverstopexploring #sunrise #latergram #wakeupthesun #sunrise #fromwhereirun #nofilter
Starting up a steep hill in the dark was a different kind of challenge. Nothing like pushing physical limits outdoors while watching constellations fade from the sky as it turns from black to navy, to ever lighter shades of blue. The horizon lit up with a purple orange yellow gradient, until the sun pierced the cloudcover (4), bathing everything in warm light. Made it to the top (5) with a solid crew (6).
2500+' climbed in just 3+ miles to the top, then ~6 miles down for ~9 miles total before 09:00. -
Tantek ()'s status on Wednesday, 22-Aug-2018 01:45:00 EDT Tantek
Last Saturday’s #run: 20.5 miles & 3570' under, through, and above the clouds. Started with #SFRC, with a different route, to Cardiac Hill and back. My farthest #trailrun yet.
#trailtuesdaythrowback #optoutside #getoutside #runner #runners #marin #trails #2018_230 #latergram #nofilter
1 Looking back down Fox
2 Just before, Fox trail up into the clouds
3 Black beetle, saw it moving, paused for the up close shot
4 Coastal trail down to Muir Beach
5 Mist shrouded switchbacks I had just ascended
6 Milk thistle flower
7 Cardiac Hill view towards a cloud covered Pacific ocean
8 Snack time, my first @GUEnergyLabs Stroopwafel
9 Happy to have made it halfway
10 Back down to Heather Cutoff switchbacks -
Tantek ()'s status on Monday, 06-Aug-2018 00:48:00 EDT Tantek
Saturday’s #longrun: 16.5 miles & 2300'+ started with ~12 miles from home to the Tennessee Valley Trailhead, joined friends for a bit more, nearly 14 to the #beach. Climbed up for a view, ran back to the parking lot.
#optoutside #getoutside #run #trailrun #runner #runners #sf #city #marin #trails #2018_216 #latergram #nofilter
1. View of the city from SCA trail
2. Sunrise on the Panhandle park
3. Crissy Field Marsh
4. Golden Gate and Bridge
5. Flowers on the run up to GGB
6. Rolling hills and the Pacific
7. Alta trail and forest
8. Tennessee Beach
9. 📷 @thats_a_moret #selfie with Kelsey
10. View from Coastal Fire Road -
Tantek ()'s status on Tuesday, 10-Jul-2018 16:57:00 EDT Tantek
#TBT to the Rodeo Valley 30k and how good the first half felt, running uphill (1) and downhill (2). Then learning in the second half that I had what it took to endure hours of 90-95°F temperatures to run, jog, and hike to finish a five hour trail race. Race photos 📷 Chris Cleary @insidetrail
#optoutside #getoutside #run #trailrun #insidetrail #runner #rodeovalley #race #trailtuesdaythrowback #latergram #nofilter #2018_174
Previously: -
Tantek ()'s status on Sunday, 17-Jun-2018 19:45:00 EDT Tantek
Yesterday: finished my first #DoubleDipsea #race in 3:59:26! 📷 IG jasonthepatsfan
Felt strong, especially on the downhill finish. When I saw the guy in front slow down with maybe 20 yards to go, I sprinted extra hard to beat him by mere feet: 620th of 691 finishers.
#dserunners #optoutside #getoutside #raceeverything #run #runners #trailrun #trails #Dipsea #Stinsonbeach #Marin #yestergram #latergram #nofilter #2018_167
Previously: -
Tantek ()'s status on Saturday, 23-Dec-2017 22:25:00 EST Tantek
This morning was harder.
It’s one thing to wake up in daylight,
another to get up in darkness.
One thing to run with a friend,
another to run alone.
To run in daylight,
another to run in darkness.
From darkness to dawn I made it to Diamond Head, and inside the crater as the sun crested the eastern rim. Less than twenty minutes later I made it to the summit. Clear skies overhead, the sun had ducked behind a cloud layer just above the horizon.
This is my second #NP_PhotoContest entry. From the profile you’d think I was part elf.
I’m standing in the same spot as two days ago, and yet, this morning began very differently.
Alone, unmotivated, barely motivated, running, then losing nearly half an hour looking for a restroom, almost quitting and turning back, pressing on to complete a couple of miles, up to the edge of the crater, and having gone that far, finally motivated to push all the way up inside to the top.
In that moment, beyond gratitude, I felt a growing sense of self-reliance, and some relief from self-doubt.
Thanks to running with #NovemberProject, I’ve learned to get up in darkness and wear a headlamp when running before dawn. Thanks to running trails with #NPSF friends (often at #SFRC), I’ve learned to wear a buff to wipe my brow, carry enough water for the roundtrip, and pack a snack just in case.
Running alone in the dark is still a challenge. There’s always an inside voice of doubt, speaking up at even a hint of exhaustion, tiredness, or breathing difficulty. I’ve learned to live above it by listening to it rather than rejecting it. By allowing myself the option to turn around, in a mile or two, it feels heard. And when that mile or two comes, the voice is almost always completely gone, replaced by feelings of momentum and self-confidence.
About halfway to the summit I saw a #grassrootsgear orange tanktop coming the other way and met Jessie & her friend from NovemberProjectDC! A pleasant surprise among the throngs of tourists. We stopped to take a photo together.
Standing there at the Diamond Head Summit, I waited for the sun to continue rising above the clouds, still low enough to cast a yellow orange glow. Took a few photos, then ran back down, pausing on the street outside Diamond Head to appreciate the chickens, roosters, and doves snacking near the sidewalk, before running back to the beach and finding breakfast.
#fromwhereirun #today #thismorning #run #runner #solorun #confident #trailrun #neverstopexploring #getoutside #summit #DiamondHead #DiamondHeadsummit #crater #DiamondHeadcrater #Waikiki #Honolulu #Oahu #Hawaii #sun #clouds #ocean #waves #hills #nofilter -
Tantek ()'s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2017 02:30:38 EDT Tantek
Sunday run SF Botanical Garden, large South African flower. #latergram #seenonmyrun #nofilter
#run #GoldenGatePark #trailrun #citytrails #SF #CA #sundayrunday #SFBotanicalGarden #BotanicalGarden #flower -
Tantek ()'s status on Monday, 12-Dec-2016 17:18:03 EST Tantek
Tantek ()'s status on Thursday, 08-Dec-2016 20:44:33 EST Tantek
Rocky terrain this morning, but breathable atmosphere and clean rain. #MozAloha #weatherproof #run #nofilter
#seenonmyrun #trail #trailrun #lava #lavarocks #rainyday #solorun #novemberproject #grassrootsgear #NP_TSA #NPSF #nsg #heysweatdaily #latergram