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@gargron through #Tor .(
Statement regarding Dmitry Bogatov #torproject #tor #security
@dredmorbius But at least you can use #tor against most instances afaik. !GNUsocial also works hard on avoiding third party servers, so no external javascript (also compatible without javascript at all) as well as locally stored media. Not even third party servers with a misleading domain name (i.e. Amazon S3 on a subdomain.service.example DNS).
!gnusocial es sobre #descentralización y #libertad La idea es que el usuario tenga el control de su red social y no al revés, que el contenido le pertenezca al usuario, que el servidor que ejecuta el #software asegure la integridad de los datos del usuario y que el #código detrás de cada publicación sea transaprente, auditable... En cuanto a #tor y #javascript ya es cuestión de cada #nodo Pero eso ya no es tema de #gnusocial sino del nodo propiamente, de manera que es cuestión de saber escoger, si no, contamos con una opción todavía mejor: montar nuestro nodo y que la #privacidad corra por cuenta propia /cc !fediverse
La mayoria de los nodos !gnusocial no permiten conectar desde #Tor y casi ninguno admite desactivar #JavaScript ¿Donde queda la #privacidad?
Here's the thing: if you fear #Tor so much that you want to block access from it, put up a message to its visitors stating that. Don't instead feign an error message or pretend that something with the connection went wrong, which can confuse the user into thinking your site is down ("Unable to connect", "The connection has timed out").
I'm tired of receiving "errors" like these lately only to use a webproxy like to quickly unmask the intention of the admin. I mean, what good does lying do in this case? Just fucking say it. Even a shitty #Cloudflare captcha is better than a misleading error message.
Ska tillaga "skivspill"-bitarna jag dumpstrade häromveckan och webblar efter hur lång tid de borde vara i ugnen. Genom #Tor Browser såklart, så ingen förknippar min IP-adress med köttkonsumtion.
My day started by getting the police at my door because of my #tor exit node..
I never thought that would happen to me to be honest, read the story here:
My day started by getting the police at my door because of my #tor exit node..
I never thought that would happen to me to be honest, read the story here:
My day started by getting the police at my door because of my #tor exit node..
I never thought that would happen to me to be honest, read the story here:
I ended up going through a Norwegian #Tor exit and the site was presented like a Swedish one, but everything was misspelled.
I think @ln5 was on there if I'm not mistaken. !security #tor
@uddaboktips Jag försökte kommentera på din blogg, men det gick dåligt. Säkert pga jag surfar genom #Tor och Google kräver captcha, men det visas aldrig någon captcha utan formuläret töms bara... Epost har ju aldrig varit …
Are you sure you're not accidentally doing everything through #Tor?
:O still no mail about that #tor t-shirt! (there have been two brief dips, but the exit node's been online and functional for something like 88 days and counting)
Nu har jag börjat skriva på #Geografibloggen för !Mappers
(varning: pga de använder Typepad som bloggtjänst så är #Tor strikt förbjudet (ger 404) + det är typ omöjligt att se sidan korrekt med plugins som #noscript och #requestpolicy).
This is frustrating: #tor
@maiyannah your site doesn't even ask for a captcha but just kills the connection for us #tor users ;)
We've been discussing #Tor a lot at work at the lunch break lately, even my boss discusses it with me, it's really great because I get to really tell why I use it, why I run my servers, and what I think is important when it comes to computer sec…
We've been discussing #Tor a lot at work at the lunch break lately, even my boss discusses it with me, it's really great because I get to really tell why I use it, why I run my servers, and what I think is important when it comes to computer sec…