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Four weeks ago today I celebrated a birthday with friends at Zazie, one of my favorite restaurants. Happy, grateful, and feeling pretty good after running so many miles the day before.
It was the night before San Francisco ordered everyone to distance and shelter-in-place. I had a feeling that evening might be the last chance to see friends in a group, that Friday the mayor had forbidden gatherings of 100 people, after the governor forbade gatherings of 250 the day before.
Four weeks ago and it feels like it’s been months. So many changes, so many things have broken down, so much tragedy from so many things that have been revealed for how broken they already were.
That night though, I was happy to see friends and celebrate another trip around the sun (as well as a 50 mile trip around Marin). Thanks friends, thanks Zazie for taking such good care of us (and all the precautions), and thanks Erika for making the night happen. 📷 @erikawxyz
Been ordering takeout from Zazie once a week since. They’re a great place that treats their employees well (three of them are co-owners!). If you’re in SF, consider ordering takeout from them as well:
#birthday #dinner #celebration #SanFrancisco #SF #Zazie #ZazieSF #ColeValley #patio #Sunday #2020_075 #20200315 #laterGram #noFilter
🌸🏙☁️ A week ago today I ran my first 50-miler (, the hardest thing I’ve done. I knew I’d need 2 weeks of physical recovery. It’s also taken a week of mental recovery to start feeling like myself again.
The shelter-in-place and various cancellations have helped in some ways, provided challenges in others. I chose to sit still, breathe, do some yoga, eat deliberately, go for a walk every day, sleep as needed. Show up to commitments, keep in touch with close ones, love within my capacity to do so, toward others within their capacity to receive.
The past few days I’ve gone on easy runs too, culminating today in a run up to Twin Peaks. I stopped for a ground level view, appreciating immediate beauty(photo) before running up and over the peaks and returning back down the hill.
The physical healed the mental.
#run #runner #TwinPeaks #SF #SanFrancisco #poppies #CaliforniaPoppies #downtown #skyline #hill #hills #view #optOutside #fromWhereIRun #NeverStopExploring #InstaRunner #recovery #recoveryRun #noFilter
🌇 It was a packed week. Last Wednesday I saw the sunrise on the drive down to Mountain View for work meetings, then back to SF for more meetings. Saw the sunset (photo) as I was finally walking to have dinner with a friend in Cole Valley, at which I finally reached out (at her encouragement) to a friend I hadn’t seen in 80 days. Thursday thru today coming up. It’s been a good week.
#sunset #ColeValley #SF #SanFrancisco #grateful #2020_057 #20200226 #laterGram #noFilter
☁️🌉 Overcast morning, no sunrise, just Bay Bridge Lights sparkling on the bay as we started the @Nov_Project_SF Cupid’s span workout where your reward for sprinting then offering or being offered a flower was 10 burpees together 🌹😅
#cloudy #overcast #BayBridge #BayBridgeLights #beforeSunrise #whatSun #EastBay #lights #city #NPSF #NovemberProjectSF #NovemberProject #fromWhereIRun #graySky #optOutside #SF #SanFrancisco #freeFitness #justShowUp #Embarcadero #CupidsSpan #noFilter
Yesterday’s early morning sun and clouds peaking through the trees of Lafayette Park(1). I had just finished an early morning Vinyasa session @YogaFlowSF, in the main yoga room affectionately nicknamed the treehouse for its multipaned bay windows that bring in light sifted by evergreen trees just outside(2).
When Charlotte started our 7:10am class it was still nearly dark outside, the streetlamps were off, and dawn’s light was still quite dim. Practicing yoga with others while the room slowly brightened with natural light was a new experience for me. I felt a growing sense of energy and presence, from myself, and even when I closed my eyes, from subtle sounds and air currents shaped by the class’s movements.
#Yesterday #2020_009 #20200109 #morning #earlymorning #LafayettePark #sun #trees #yoga #yogaflowsf #sanfrancisco #sf #latergram #nofilter
🌴🌆 woke up like this @Nov_Project_SF Monday. Recovery day from the weekend and a 30+ mile week, walked & did the workouts. Let’s get this first full week of #2020.
#NPSF #NovemberProjectSF #NovemberProject #wakeUpTheSun #dawn #clearsky #blue #orange #yellow #optoutside #Dolores #DoloresPark #MissionDolores #MissionDoloresPark #SanFrancisco #freefitness #nofilter
🌞🌳🌊🌁 #Sunday #longrun! Ran 14+ miles on tired legs.
Planned to do a half marathon after Saturday’s 11 miles of Marin trails, ended up a mile-ish more. Slow start, but drank/fueled and felt pretty strong in the second half of Golden Gate Park. Spreckels lake sparkled in the sunshine(2). Reached the beach(1) and felt encouraged to go further. Ran up to the Sutro Baths for a beautiful view(3) and thru Lands End for a clear view of the Golden Gate!(4)
Happened to look upward in the Sea Cliff neighborhood and see an old air raid siren(5). Against the deep blue sky it reminded me of Depeche Mode’s Music For The Masses:
By the time I ran up Lincoln Boulevard to the bridge, Karl the Fog had enveloped the tops of the towers(6). Ran down to the Warming Hut for another view(7) and over to Crissy Field Marsh(8).
Struggled up the final climb to the Presidio, and up to the top of Arguello Blvd, then easy cruising all the way home.
25+ mile weekend done! ✅
#run #runner #SF #SanFrancisco #SundayRunday #SundayFunday #50ktraining #roadto50 #ultratraining #optoutside #getoutside #fog #KarlTheFog #befierce #pushyourself #fitstrongfierce #2019_230 #20190818 #latergram #nofilter
🌅🌉 Majestic Bay Bridge #
sunriseright before #
TSFM2017wave 5 start. #