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Four weeks ago today I celebrated a birthday with friends at Zazie, one of my favorite restaurants. Happy, grateful, and feeling pretty good after running so many miles the day before.
It was the night before San Francisco ordered everyone to distance and shelter-in-place. I had a feeling that evening might be the last chance to see friends in a group, that Friday the mayor had forbidden gatherings of 100 people, after the governor forbade gatherings of 250 the day before.
Four weeks ago and it feels like it’s been months. So many changes, so many things have broken down, so much tragedy from so many things that have been revealed for how broken they already were.
That night though, I was happy to see friends and celebrate another trip around the sun (as well as a 50 mile trip around Marin). Thanks friends, thanks Zazie for taking such good care of us (and all the precautions), and thanks Erika for making the night happen. 📷 @erikawxyz
Been ordering takeout from Zazie once a week since. They’re a great place that treats their employees well (three of them are co-owners!). If you’re in SF, consider ordering takeout from them as well:
#birthday #dinner #celebration #SanFrancisco #SF #Zazie #ZazieSF #ColeValley #patio #Sunday #2020_075 #20200315 #laterGram #noFilter