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Notices tagged with midori
I use a #midori on a low-powered machine. I was hoping a native client would be a little less resource intensive.
Well, hello from #xmpp... I'll try this one for a while. I still can't figure out what's wrong with #midori and #ssl and I can't post to the !trisquel forums because of it. Installing #abrowser and hoping for the best.
Midori always throws "Error granting trust: Couldn't find a place to store the pinned certificate" when I trust a self-signed certificate in !trisquel mini. The gnome-keyring fix specified in the #midori FAQ found all over the internets doe…
Installing lxde on #jessie now. Something tells me this won't be as fancy as Trisquel Mini... I already use #midori as my main browser in jessie (0.4.3) but the jump to 0.5.8 might be enough to push me to switch distros... cognative dissonance!
@vinzv I use a super-slim privacy version of #midori 4 secure financial stuff & don’t want to risk infection from nonfree platforms
Odd that I can't get Smallest Federated Wiki to fully load in #midori today. Only portions of it l…
#firefox (well, #abrowser) is really sluggish tonight for some reason. going to give #midori a wh…
@question I do not think so because it is #time_to_upgrade to #Midori or #Firefox or #Konqueror or #reKonq. #browser_wars