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Notices tagged with lighttpd
Trying to remember how to get #lighttpd and #php-fpm to run each subdomain's files as separate users. Downside of stability, I guess.
@mama21mama I don't really understand this. Are you having problems with !gnusocial and #li…
By the way, if you’re thinking about running !sn / !gnusocial on #lighttpd, the included lighttp…
#lighttpd #mariadb #php-fpm
@nybill @windigo ISTM someone that has !sn or !gnusocial working with #nginx should submit a conf…
Jag menade tvärtom, men testa sätta den till 1! :D (det är och ska vara default i PHP se…
@lnxw48 I did a brief comparison between #Lighttpd and #nginx, and picked nginx due to the uWSGI support. Otherwise, they seem very similar.
@x11r5 Requiring #Apache ( or #Nginx or #Lighttpd ) is not undermining. Requiring #IIS is undermining.