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@jordila - it was first with non-square images!
@jordila yeah I think has non-commercial restriction.
@mmn the license is free as in free, not as in free market
@dolus Unless one only deals with non-commercial things and the word "gratis" has no meaning anyway because there is no opposite to it in one's daily life.
@bl4n runs !GNUsocial, with a special plugin developed by @hannes2peer
@bl4n each instance decides its own rules. You can subscribe and post to people as usual, but it's up to each node to decide how to treat it ( dowsn't allow non-picture firat posts for example, though it's currently not filtering like that for incoming posts).
@colegota You're not supposed to share pictures from copyleft projects like Wikipedia on anyway. You're supposed to take pictures of stuff in your daily life, preferrably of gross food or pointless achievements. And I most…
@colegota I agree to all of this (and license my own stuff in a full copyleft manner) but I do see a strong point in making it impossible for any commercial entity to appropriate culture. If that means social movements and communit…
@colegota my argument about personal stuff is still valid.