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Well, I said I was going to bed an hour ago. I wanted to tinker with #guile but I ended up just performing maintenance on #libernil. I'm not gonna want to wake up tomorrow... or today... whatever. Good !tzaf, friends.
@6loss hardware or software? I gave a quick HPR episode on it but it's still in the queue.
'summernight' is a recycled mini-itx in a shuttle case. i believe it's a dual core 2.something GHz processor with about 2GB of RAM. This is the primary machine on the network. Most shell accounts are here. Web, XMPP, DNS, and git are here a…
Bah, wrong @mikael... I get federated usernames mixed up sometimes...
It's a really small service so I don't do any outreach. There are about a dozen users and I host a machine for one of them. It's almost all people I know locally. Friends, family, former coworkers. There are a couple of people on there that…
That being said, I really believe the reason I started this up is that I missed communal computing. I left !sdf when I moved to using only Free Software and I really miss that place. We don't have anywhere near the infrastructure, userbase,…