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The WORST. No, maybe not worst. But the nastiest, most insidious, thing I experience on the web must be sites that require javascript to _fully_ load. Not just "you need javascript". But "here you go, all the HTML elements you need…
Well ok, maybe the #Facebook one requires javascript to load all the way there even (I don't know, I don't use it). But at least when SO CALLED FRIENDS (those who get used by Facebook) run on a bad internet connection, like with #T…
@delores Yep, while I personally don't enjoy that fact (see how I've done with and .es if yoy disable javascript) I think it's better that it doesn't work at all (or at least clumsily) rather than gives false hope.
@hannes2peer .(
@hannes2peer Det är okej, jag ser det som att det är du som är den svaga och jag den reaktionära, principfasta.