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Well, I tried valiantly to set up Let's Encrypt on #libernil but there were just too many failures. It certainly doesn't play nice with nginx yet. Beyond that, I couldn't even generate certs due to some strange authentication error that I b…
@cmhobbs What error were you getting? And what options were you using to try to request the cert?
"Failed to connect to host for DVSNI challenge" was the latest problem. I was running "./letsencrypt-auto certonly --standalone". I got that error after I went through the whole curses(?) UI. I even got the everything is cool message afte…
Thanks for the link! I'll give it a read.
@cmhobbs letsencrypt-auto installs the utility - then you have to run it (inside a virtualenv) from /root/.local/share/letsencrypt.
@cmohbbs I've been working on a pair of blog posts that might make the process easier; I'll see if I can get them finished soon. :)
@cmhobbs Oh, I did have the install phase documented:
Starting from scratch, I'm now getting this: "No installers seem to be present and working on your system; fix that or try running letsencrypt with the "certonly" command"
I'll tackle it later, I suppose. I don't have the mental energy for this kind of effort right now.
@cmhobbs Yeah, I've been avoiding the auto-configure parts of let's encrypt like the plague. Hands off my configs! :)