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Tried so hard to get freedm with prboom-plus and prboom-plus-game-server to work with my son. Something is way off because as soon as he picks up an item, the game server crashes. I suspect there's a version mismatch somewhere as my levels/…
My poor little netbook probably wouldn't run those!
Great success! Turns out our WAD files were different. Downloaded the latest WADs from the #freedoom project and we're all set! FreeDOOM deathmatch with the boy!
For the curious, `prboom-plus-game-server -w freedm.wad -a` will set up a game server listening on port 5030 with the "Deathmatch 2.0" style game. Connect to it with `prboom-plus -iwad freedm.wad -net servername`
@cmhobbs This is how geeks get interested in fatherhood, isn't it. :D
FreeDOOM is a great place to start!
Very likely!
@ericxdu23 no crashes at all, we played for about two hours both death match and coop. It came down to matching prboom-plus and prboom-plus-game-server versions and matching WAD files. Note that the server exits after the players do and onl…