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My wife is just about done recording an album and I'm trying to encourage her to release it under a …
- laurelrusswurm repeated this.
@cmhobbs I have never heard of your wife, so am unlikely to buy her album, having never heard her, so she will get no royalties from me.
@cmhobbs at minimum she should release her album CC BY NC ND which would not be #FreeCulture but would allow fans to download legally
@cmhobbs I have come to think the best option for artists who wish to get paid is CC BY-SA because it encourages sharing/ distribution …
@cmhobbs ...and no major label or movie company would EVER use her work for free because they’d have to release their remix under CC BY-SA
@cmhobbs If such cash rich entity were to take an interest, it would want to negotiate a non-SA arrangement.
@cmhobbs My own inclination is to not even listen to music that is not at least CC BY-SA b/c my head is already full of music I can’t use
@cmhobbs … exception: I buy CDs direct from artists at live free-admission music concerts/festivals, and family/friends. !FreeCulture
@cmhobbs What I have noticed is that though I own those CDs, I almost never listen or promote them online because they are not !FreeCulture
- wow! Great feedback! You gave me lots of stuff to think about with her. Thanks so much!
@cmhobbs You’re welcome. This is territory I’ve been through myself. :)