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Hello 2018.
This changing of the year feels very different than last. Yesterday (+today) felt more like just another day to make the most of. Regardless I am doing an #IndieWeb #100Days of Positive Posts again, but refocusing on doing:
#100PDTP 100 Days Positive Doing then Posting.
As an optimist I believe every day we have opportunities to choose to make things better (or not), even if in seemingly small ways, every day.
The 2018 plan for #100DoPP:
* Every day: *do* something positive in-person (not just online). E.g.
* Something for the first time
* Or the first time this year
* Or build on something
* Or complete something
* Post about it on your own site,
- or make a note of it and post it later.
* *Before* posting anything negative or critical that same day
From my experience last year, there were several times when for one reason or another I went days without posting, then had to "catch up". Instead of catch-up, I’m making the posting part strictly secondary, and ok even if published days after the action.
I expect to spend more time offline and perhaps even offgrid this year. I’ll be taking paper notes which I can then post about later.
Last year’s #100DoPP: