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Any arachnologist(?) who can identify this awesome looking spider? Its bottom side was also really neat, with something like two white dots above a triangle going down towards something black with a white stripe formed lile: (|)
formed like*
@sylvhem I don't see how it's "not safe for work". Especially if I reach out to spider scientists, that'd be counter productive even.
However if you mean "content warning" then we don't implement anything lile that directly in !GNUsocial, but if you want to do some content analysis I _did_ in fact have "spider" written explicitly in my post - even referencing the attached image.
Maybe the best solution for sensitive individuals is to disable automatic image previews? Because I honestly can't #cw all possible phobias. Click-to-show is the best solution imho, unless the explicit purpose of the site is to be an image board...
@sylvhem Or maybe a method of tagging me as an insensitive image poster, disabling previews only for accounts tagged like that. Then blocking isn't necessary either.
@piecritic Ooh, so it's a "cross spider"! I had an entirely different image in my head for that one, more sinister looking. But apparently they differ quite a lot in appearance. Most here look more sinister though:
But now that I look at my picture again, I do see the pretty distinctive "cross" on its back. Thanks for looking it up! I'm short on bandwidth where I am so I appreciate it (and don't have any good literature on thr subject either, which I now realise I should get).
@m0n5t3r Yeah, check my reply to the other post in this thread, I now afterqards see the cross on the back. But in school we only saw pictures (that I remember) where they were almost black and the cross much more coherent in white.
@maninabox Thanks! That may come in handy.
@patrickme !GNUsocial is another piece of software entirely that has some features that #Mastodon lacks and vice versa.