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Notices by Blaise Alleyne (balleyne), page 9
@sergiodj @lnxw48 but C-30 was being pushed by a loudmouth arrogant Minister, and without the cover of a shooting on the Hill...
@sergiodj @lnxw48 I'm pessimistic too. If you look up Vic Toews / Bill C-30, Canadian public opinion has beat surveillance laws before but..
@sergiodj I haven't seen the proposals, but I was worried they'd be coming. Government can pass anything, though public opinion matters...
Great LibrePlanet Ontario meeting with @bobjonkman and @balleyne! Lots of interesting thought…
@windigo that's awesome! yeah, I still get some spam occasionally, but postgrey is amazing
@windigo @nds hah, wow! (Are you sure you're not getting false positives?)
I've started to record some of my tunes. Should have 2-3 done later this Fall. Licensing them CC BY-SA is way more complex than I thought...
@laurelrusswurm I agree that's an important step. I use DDG myself, but consider it a transitional step. Better DDG than Google.
@laurelrusswurm: Agreed, a step forwards for sure! Though I think getting search engines that can deliver the promise is step 0 (not easy..)
@lnxw48 @sergiodj @laurelrusswurm last time I tried YaCy (while back), even basic searches had poor results. Primarily an indexing problem..
@sergiodj good old network effects... hard for P2P search to improve if no one uses it, but hard for anyone to use it if results are poor...
@laurelrusswurm @sergiodj a more secure and privacy-friendly search engine would be something P2P like YaCy. It's just not very good yet...
@laurelrusswurm @sergiodj DDG privacy *is* broken (just a policy, no real privacy). I'm just saying the redirects have a non-evil purpose.
@laurelrusswurm @sergiodj but your private info still goes to DDG. They just promise to ignore. Policy based, not ensured by tech like Tor.
@laurelrusswurm @sergiodg no, not like tor... No real privacy. Just, your search terms don't get shared with the website you're visiting.
@sergiodj @laurelrusswurm I thought DDG redirects are to keep your search terms more private, i.e. out of the HTTP REFERER for the next page
Spotted a Linux Mint user in class today. A rare GNU/Linux sighting in the school of theology!
Mind-blowing morning in GNU/Linux with JACK, MIDI, sound processors and guitar/violin/bass... violin synth arpeggiator? Oh, yes.
Trying some GNU Social optimizations tips from -- this post should hopefully be my first using daemons...
Today I had a meeting with @balleyne and Rudolph, from !LibrePlanet Ontario :-). It was amazi…