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Notices by Blaise Alleyne (balleyne), page 3
Seriously considering a Libreboot X200 to replace my ThinkPad X60. Though not sure if it's worth putting the money into more upgrades for my X60, or to a modern laptop instead... Seems like maybe a lot of money for a slight improvement.
@lnxw48 @mmn or at least being able to adjust your spam settings to choose how aggressive it is (unlike with Gmail...)
If We're Not Careful, Self-Driving Cars Will Be The Cornerstone Of The DRM'd, Surveillance Dystopias Of Tomorrow
Seriously, and how many average Gmail users actually check their spam folders?
Buying a Samsung Galaxy S5 (for Cyanogenmod use) to transition away from my... N900... which I bought... at the end of 2009!
The beginning of the end of WIND Mobile in Canada. It was a good 6 years... nice knowing you, WIND.
@XRevan86: Roundcube plugins to create/modify/deleted Postfix accounts or aliases? Awesome! Taking a quick look at the plugin repository -- do you mean the Postfixadmin plugins?
@XRevan86: So (a) how do you configure Postfix? and (b) can you let someone manage accounts/forwarders for their domain? The second is the main reason I feel the need for web-based admin of some sort. =\
What free software Postfix/Dovecot control panel do you use, if any? I've been using Virtualmin, but looking at alternatives...
@cmhobbs it's awful that "Black Friday" is being pushed as a thing in Canada now... our Thanksgiving is October!
Jeff Buckley: Dido's Lament. Just, wow.
Jeff Buckley: DIdo's Lament. Just, wow.
New hobby: raiding kids' Halloween candy stashes. #roi
Thanks for the encouragement! I think I will...
Considering applying to speak/perform at LibrePlanet 2016. Have there been free software music presentations before?
I'm speaking/performing at #fsoss2015 on Friday, showcasing my live music rig built on libre software!