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Notices tagged with umea
@sander I'm in #Umeå, Sweden. I don't remember the name of the bus manufacturer, but it's undoubtedly the same design (though we've sort of got a mix, partly with locally produced electrical buses made by a company kept artificially alive with municipality funds).
Holy crap. Det är en chaufför på lokalbussen med skånsk brytning som låter jättecheck, pratar i högtalarsystemet som om det vore en turistbussar och hälsar på en jättetydligt vid påstigning. Min dagsform är inte anpassad för detta. #Ultra #buss #Umeå
När det blir svart på vitt att folks vänsterengagemang är ytligt/fake/entreprenöriellt. #VK #Cleo #Umeå #fakekämpa
#Umeå kommun has a new guest wifi enabled in all municipal facilities. Oddly enough, despite this year being 2017, it's unencrypted. No authentication = no !security. When will they learn?
#Folkinitiativet #Umeå
View from #Hässningberget. The buildings you see are #Umeå (this is not far from the city but a beautiful piece of nature reserve.
@make Come to #Umeå and experience it sometime!
Hagel??!! #Umeå
@b9AcE Det är ju Exchange och Microsoft hela vägen i #Umeå(tm) Kommun. Men nog fan trodde jag att man åtminstone hade någon slags oändlig Enterprise-licens som låter en göra vad fan en själv vill på lokala servrar...
@stigatle Yesterday was superwarm over here in #Umeå. So far I've had to have two layers of clothes to avoid freezing when !cycling to work but yesterday I broke a sweat almost as soon as I left my apartment!
omg time 4 #prepping #vattenbrist #Umeå #2050
@lilletale The background story here is that "Lokstallarna" were occupied by autonomous culture activists here in #Umeå, then the municipality sold the facilities to someone with too much money. The buyer explained the interest was to keep Lokstallarna as-is (old building with historic importance), but now this byline implies the owner wants to build houses there instead.
Nu ska jag iväg till mötesdöden på jobbet. Helskotta vad vi har möten. Vi #MÖTS! #Umeå kommun
@thomask You're of course always welcome here in #Umeå, but if you can't leisurely transport here maybe the next best thing would be to subscribe to @fitttta or @askan / @askan and hope they post some pictures of their in-house cat Morran!
@pettter That's the reason I never, ever write a password of my own in a machine at work (and don't even use private SSH keys). I have zero trust in the #Umeå municipality IT department.
I feel as if I will let people down by coming there and talking about user control and hacking as in the #RightToTinker rather than breaking into the Pentagon or whatever (the previous interviewee wanted to ask "WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT?" apparently).
Fortunately I can fall back to hacking the bus tickets in #Umeå 3 times. (1xSMS, 2xMifare)
Henrik Bromander igår på #Pilgatan i #Umeå under släppfesten för sin bok Hatets Triangel, som han läser ett utdrag från:
@einebiene you should be here in #Umeå for the meetup!
"Antalet långtidsfriska", snacka om #nyspråk! #Umeå Fritid summerar 2016.