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Notices tagged with strava
When we say #ownYourData we mean whatever data is important to you, like the data services aggregate about you and present back to you. Owning that data means extracting it into a form you can hang onto regardless of what the service does in the future (or disappears), and publishing whatever aspects of it you wish to, on your personal #indieweb site.
Speaking of year in reviews¹ and #Strava Year in Sport in particular, here are my brief notes for how to get the info from it (before it disappears after the 6th!²) and save it locally so you can write and publish your own year in sport.
How to find your Strava: Year in Sport 2024
For 2024, the Strava Year in Sport 2024 is only available on the native mobile app (iOS and presumably Android) and not accessible via the website. Prior years which were available on the website e.g. 2018(.)strava(.)com and 2017(.)strava(.)com are long gone.
From the mobile app home screen, tap the "📋 You" button in the lower right corner.
At the top you should see:
"Play back your 2024" heading with an orange button:
[ See your Year in Sport ]
Tap that button.
Saving Seven Summary Segments
You should immediately see an animation start playing, with seven "segments" (like Instagram stories) at the top, gradually filling-in as progress indicators one at a time.
For each "segment" if you press the screenshot combination of buttons on your mobile (e.g. volume-up + power on iPhone 14), in addition to taking a screenshot it will put you in a "share" screen with one or more videos or still images to share in a carousel format.
For each item in the carousel (if there is more than one)
* tap the item in the carousel
* tap the "[↑] More" button at the bottom.
* scroll down the list of options up a bit
* tap "Save Video [↓]" or "Save Image [↓]" option to store it locally on your mobile.
The seventh "segment" is your overall summary, and shows all your sports combined.
Save it (as an image as noted above), then
* tap the "✏️ Customize" button
* choose an individual sport (e.g. "👟 Run")
* tap "Save changes"
* save that image (as above)
* tap customize again
* choose the next sport (e.g. "🚲 Ride")
* save changes again
* save image again
Strava seemingly only reports summaries of (up to?) two or your sports it appears. Those were Run (presumably all running, street and trail) and Ride for me.
Cleanup Your Screenshots
After having saved all the videos/images for each "segment", you can:
* go back to your mobile’s top level Photos app/stream
* delete the screenshots
You should see all the videos/images you've saved. If anything is missing, go back to the previous steps and save them again, then remove any duplicates as necessary.
Post Your Year In Sport
Go through your saved videos/images, and either post on your own site as-is, or use your mobile’s built-in image OCR to copy the text bits into a plain personal year in sport note summary post on your own site. Or some combination of both if you prefer.
Add other summaries of your activities and sports as you see fit, like:
* info on other sports (beyond running and biking), e.g. yoga, weight-lifting, bouldering etc.
* total days active (of 366)
* total distance (if applicable)
* total elevation (if applicable)
* total time
* number of races you ran, biked etc. (and finished, if not the same)
* number of miles (or km) you raced (per sport and/or total overall)
* number of (or full set of) awards or trophies you earned at races
* any other stats that you think of that seem interesting to you
For each of these annual numbers, you could also compute (optionally display) the percentage change from 2023, if you happen to have those numbers around.
This is also a good reason to at least total up these numbers for 2024, whether you publish them or not, for figuring out the percentage change in 2025 next year.
When you publish your own year in sport post, might as well re-use the existing #YearInSport hashtag too.
I have already saved all the videos/images from my own Strava Year In Sport, and as I assemble the pieces into my own post, I’ll take more notes, and add to the IndieWeb year in review page³ accordingly.
This post could also be improved with a few screenshots for a few of the steps above. I figured I’d publish my notes first to hopefully help some people sooner (since the Strava Year In Sport will disappear after January 6th as mentioned!). I might upload a few screenshots to the IndieWeb wiki later as well.
#yearInReview #ownYourYearInReview
This is post 3 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts
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own your data
The first of a new year seems like a good day to assemble, aggregate, summarize and publish various year in review posts for the prior year.
When various online services create a year in review for you many weeks before the end of the year (whether #Spotify #Unwrapped or #Strava #YearInSport), it seems they are short-changing you.
No one asks for an 11 months in review (except HR departments, which is a different problem).
So why do people accept only an ~11 months summary when services provide such a premature “year” in review?
When people say things like “Make every day count” do they not also believe you should “Count every day”?
In this case, 2024 had 366 days. You should count every one of them, and every thing from every one of them.
Rather than “sharing” a premature year in review, request your “year in review” today on the 1st of the year from various services, extract the data you want, fill in any gaps, and post your year in reviews on your own site¹.
#yearInReview #ownYourYearInReview
This is post 2 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts
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year in review
Il y a des matins où tu te dis que le vélo est le meilleur moyen de transport ! #vélotaf #twittcyclos #strava
Monticyclo 152,9km 5h24'10" 28,3km/h avec du vent. Arrivé 1h30 avant les copains du #coucyclo #twittcyclos #strava
C'était hier, après une semaine riche (dont le saint graal des 30 km/h) 76,8km à 27 km/h #strava #twittcyclos
Boucles de la Juine (Morigny Champigny) #FFCT 101,8km 3:47:39 26,8km/h #vélo #twittcyclos #strava
Ballade Giffoise en Vallée de Chevreuse 128,5km 5h11'29" 24,8km/h #coucyclo #vélo #twittcyclos #strava
Promenade du samedi, en solitaire. 108,8km 4h12'26" 25,9km/h #twittcyclos #vélo #strava
Sortie de vendredi, vent sud-ouest et soleil. 74,9km 2h53'07" 26,0km/h #vélo #twittcyclos #strava
Rallye des Châteaux de Ballainvilliers, ceux qui on fléché ont oublié 20km… #vélo #twittcyclos #strava
#vélotaf retour sur le chemin des écoliers (repérage futur trajet) 32,1km 1:16:28 25,2km/h #strava #twittcyclos
Petite promenade sans la pluie ! 74,1km 2h50'57" 26,0km/h #vélo #twittcyclos #strava
Profitons des éclaircies ! 36,8km 1h17'32" 28,5km/h #vélo #twittcyclos #strava
Escargot et Déluge de circonstance ! 62,2km 2h33'16" 24,3km/h #vélo #twittcyclos #strava
De la pluie et du vent ! 55,3km 2h08'29" 25,8km/h #vélo #twittcyclos #strava
Belle sortie et belle moyenne avec Serge rencontré grâce à #Strava. 100,8km 3h36'28" 27,9km/h #twittcyclos
Rallye de la Tour, Linas. 138,7km 5h29'48" 25,2km/h #vélo #twittcyclos #coucyclo #ffct #strava
Et hop, c'est WE ! #vélotaf #retour #twittcyclos #strava
Salut les TL ! Bon 'dredi. Et un peu de #vélotaf, ça fait du bien ! #twittcyclos #strava
La Rissoise, avec du vent. 110.8km 4:12:28 26.3km/h #vélo #coucyclo #twittcyclos #strava